And for those who are thinking, 'How stupidi of that guy to not have a back up of those 29 pages!!', consder the following. I mean if you're readng this and you do not yet have copy clip installled, please do it now. My astoundment stems from my totally forgetting about thse college days when in a matter of seconds, a twety-nine page research paper could be gone with no chance of retrieval all because I copied to clipboard, deleted one graphic from the paper, accidentally copied a second graphic to the clipboard and POOF!! - 29 pages gone forever. It is like I no longer write, create or design in fear of losing stuff. No kidding! My copy clip is set to temember the last 80 items I copied to clipboard.
I was simply astounded when I was asked to do a review for Copy Clip! The invitation took me back to a time 'pre- CC' when I didn't have the ability to see any history of my clipboard, let alone the power to go back and paste a clipboard item that I copied to the clipboard but have copied 79 items since.